this is the momment that all people around the world celebrating the end of the year 2010 and the welcome for year 2011..huhu..what an exciting moment it is..btw..for all muslims..just is a new year..but the new year for us is just past..its was awal our awal muharam be the most precious moment in our life in every islam new year celebration bcz theres a history behind all of of the biggest history in islam civilization..which is the migration of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W with his people from Mecca to think u better read the history..lets read it togather k..
so..this new year 2011..really miss the faces of all the people in sibu..but i cant wait to see all the faces of my friend in tanjong malim..huhu..with they new hope for the new year..mayb year 2010 been wasted..n all of them including me myself hoping 2011 might be the year for us all to take a revenge for the failure in the end of 2010 which is today..theres many incident happend espeacially when i was just arrived at KLIA this morning..there some incident happend..not a tragic incident but probably a funny tragic incident..try to imagine an old man push his trolley on the escalator n stuck at the end of the escalator..thts wht happend..all the people that follow behind him became panic including me myself bcz we all try to moving backward along the escalator that probably moving forward..try to imagine..all of us panic but at the same time we all cant stand the we want to save ourself from 'crashing' with each other and ofkos to save ourself from crashing with the old man with his stucked was the most tragic incident in the funniest version..ahaha..i really2 will not forget the incident..ever..huhu..
after im off from KLIA i directly to KL Central by bus n then to Batu Tiga by KTM..n finally..i reached my destination..zuraimi's house..we went to mosque for the friday prayer..went to the foodcourt for self-reload..the clock is ticking n until now..i think thts all the story from me today..huhu
so..i think it is is time for us to say good bye to 2010 n say hye to 2011...n may Allah bless us all..

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